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Who gets the house in a divorce?

By Property Division

One of the most important questions many people have is what happens to their house in a divorce. This is the house that you’ve saved for, searched for, and expected to grow old in. It is also often the most valuable asset, and if it has a mortgage, it is the single biggest monthly expense. If this is a house that you bought with your spouse during marriage, the judge must divide it in the divorce.

There are several questions to consider when dividing your house:

1. How much equity do you have in your house?

In order to determine the equity in your house we must determine (1) the market value and (2) the amount of the mortgage. The equity is the difference between the former and the latter.

There are two (2) ways to determine the market value: (1) sell the house or (2) have it appraised. Of course, selling the house is only an option if one of you does not want to keep the house. If you want to keep it, then an appraisal is important because it is the only way to determine the value.

The mortgage balance is easier as you can determine that from your latest mortgage statement.

Also, if you want to consider selling the house, then you likely will use a realtor. A realtor takes a commission from the sale, so this costs money. And if there is not enough equity to pay the realtor, then many may be reluctant to take the listing. Also, if you have to meet a certain sales number to break even, it can take longer to sell the house at the necessary price. In short, the more equity that you have the easier it is to sell the house.

Now, if you want to keep the house, the more equity in the house means the more property your spouse will receive to offset the value of the house that you keep. If there is not enough property to offset the amount owed to your spouse you can be forced to pay cash, which usually requires an additional loan against the house.

2. Who can afford to keep the house?

As I said, the mortgage is usually the single biggest payment a couple makes each month. Whoever keeps the house will have to pay the mortgage on their own after the divorce.

It is common that if you keep the house that the judge will order you to refinance the mortgage loan into your own name. This means that not only will you need the credit to be able to qualify for the loan, but you will need to be able to pay the monthly mortgage payment of the new loan. This can be a heavy burden, especially if you must take money out to pay your spouse a portion of the equity.

If you do not have the income to afford the house after the divorce, it is a better idea to get it sold.

3. What if you can’t sell the house at a profit?

Just as the judge can divide the equity from a house, the court can divide the debt. If the house is sold at a loss and you have to bring money to closing, the judge can order both parties to contribute a percentage of the deficiency.

4. Are there any laws that say which spouse get the house if they both want it and can afford it?

No, the judge simply is instructed to make his/her best decision based on the specific facts in the case. The judge can take into account any reasonable fact related to who deserves the house. The main thing is that the judge properly accounts for the value of the house and counts it in the column of the spouse to whom the house is awarded.

How do I calculate income for child support?

By Child Support

In Oklahoma, we have an official formula under state law to figure child support. This formula is based on three main factors:

  • Number of children,
  • Incomes of the parents,
  • How many overnights the children spend at each parent’s home,
  • Expenses for the children.

The Oklahoma Department of Human Services offers a free Online Child Support Calculator. You can use this tool to calculate child support according to the Oklahoma Child Support Guidelines.

This article deals with the problem of determining what your income is for child support purposes. Because, although the Online Calculator will give you  a child support number, that number is only as good as the income amounts that you have put into the calculator.

There are several things you need to know:

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How do you modify support alimony?

By Alimony

Support alimony can be modified. A party can ask the court to modify or terminate a support alimony award by filing a motion with the court. The judge must then hear the evidence and determie whether there has been the kind of change in circumstances that supports a modification under the law.

The conditions that must be present before the law supports the modification are as follows:

  • The support alimony payments must still be being paid under the original order; and
  • There must have been a change in circumstances that affects either the parties’s income; or
  • The dependent party may have remarried or started to cohabitate with another.

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Children, Divorce and Taxes: Part 2

By Child Support

In the previous article of Children, Divorce and Taxes, I discussed the Internal Revenue Service rules for which parent can claim the children on their income taxes without a court order. In this section we look at the what happens if there is an order that awards the tax exemption to the non-custodial parent.

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Children, Divorce and Taxes

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Do you have uncertainty regarding your taxes because of a recent divorce with children? According to the IRS, there were 146,243,886 individual income tax returns in 2012, so we want to ensure that you are confident in your accuracy when filing your taxes. Our three part tax series will answer your common questions regarding children, divorce and taxes.

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15 Questions About Divorce in Oklahoma

By Divorce, FAQ

This frequently asked question concerns fifteen basic things that you should know about the divorce process in Oklahoma. Although the information here is not comprehensive and, certainly cannot replace competent legal advice, it will serve as a primer about issues which you should consider in your divorce process.

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How Much Does a Divorce Cost in Oklahoma?

By Divorce

This is the second most common question we get in our office on a daily basis, besides the question, “How long does a divorce take in Oklahoma?” Isn’t This an Easy Question? It seems like it this question should be easy to answer, right? Probably not if you have ever been through a divorce or if you are a lawyer because you understand that not all divorces are the same since people are different.

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