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Law Laboratory

A place for the experimentation in helping people with legal problems using techonology.

Welcome to the Law Laboratory. This is a part of the site where we are trying out new ways of helping people solve their legal problems using technology paired with old fashioned lawyering.

A great lawyer I know said, “Evan, before you go and change things try to understand why people do it the way they do, because often there is a very good reason.”

Bearing that in mind and with an eye towards innovation, we are trying new things here. Let us know what you think.

Experiment One

Do I have a case?

The “Do I have a case?” questionnaire is geared toward trying to determine whether you have a dispute for which the law has a solution. Because we deal in the area of family law, we hear often about disputes between people based on personalities of the people. Often times there is no legal solution for personality conflicts, but sometimes there is. This tool is meant to help both our potential clients and us to get to the bottom of whether we have a dispute or not.

In particular, we have found that personality issues are not well solved by the law. There must be an actual dispute. An example from child custody may be a conflict regarding the packing of a child’s lunch. Let’s say parent 1 wants the child to bring a lunch each day, and parent 2 wants the child to eat at school. This is a dispute about the preference and there is often no solution. Now consider example 2 in which one parent is not sending or paying for a lunch at all and the other is objecting because this is bad for the child. This latter example is an issue that the law can fix.

Do I have a case?

A form to help us determine whether you have a case.

Step 1 of 2

  • How to Use the Conflict Analyzer

    The purpose of the Conflict Analyzer is to gather information about your conflict and see if there is a legal solution to the problem. This is what you need to do:

    • Give us your contact information - so we can get back to you.
    • Tell us your relationship with the person with whom you have the conflict.
    • Describe your conflict from both perspectives.
    • Send your conflict to us to be analyzed.
    • This is a good way to determine whether there is a legal solution to your problem. If there is, then we can bring you in to discuss your options or to gather more information.

    • You should select the type of relationship you have with the person with whom you are having a dispute. It helps us understand the nature of your conflict.