Do not rely on this website alone to make decisions that could affect your rights! There is more that you need to know.
We are pleased to discuss your case with you further to determine how we can specifically assist you with your legal questions and issues. To discuss the particulars of your case, you should contact us contact us at (405) 321-1822.
Remember that each case is unique and that the outcome of your case will depend on the specific facts and circumstances of your case and how they are presented to the judge. The information included in this site is general in nature and is not intended to offer advice specific to your situation or to create an attorney-client relationship. Before taking any action which could alter your legal rights you should consult with an attorney about the facts and circumstances specific to your case.
Nothing on this site should be construed as creating an attorney-client relationship. The information provided herein is provided to the general public simply for educational, informational and promotional purposes.